I am trying to flash my audiomoth 1.10 with firmware 1.4.0
I am with Linux Mint 18.3. I had to follow (successffully) the paper clip procedure but when I try to flash I receive an error message (please, see screenshot below):
The audiomoth is connected.
I tried several times but no success.
Thank you for any help.
Hi, If you run the command line tool you will get a list of existing ports:
> flash.exe
Then follow the instructions under 'Show Manual Switch Instructions.' in the Flash App to put the device into bootloader mode.
Then run the command line tool again and you should see the new port that represents the AudioMoth.
You should then be able to read the serial number of the AudioMoth:
> flash.exe -i [PORT NAME]
The to upload the firmware:
You can find the firmware file by 'Opening Downloads Folder' in the Flash App.
Peter will follow up with you to get the log file from the Flash App so we can understand why it isn't working on your setup.
Success, the last try seems to be the good one:
Thank you for your support!
So this morning I have this (screenshot):
It starts the flashing process but is stuck (as seen in the screenshot) for minutes and nothing happens...
I didn't try the command line version because I don't know in which state (usb, custom,etc.) I should put the audiomoth in before running the commands.
Thank you.
The USB HID part is working fine but there seems to a problem with the USB serial. I would unplug the AudioMoth and restart just to be sure that the UDEV rule is updated and applied. Then try again. There is a command line version here - https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Flash - which will let you see the port names and confirm that the computer can talk to the AudioMoth over the serial connection.
I just updated the UDEV rules (I didn't notice this part) and you were right, the TTY rules part was missing.
I also manually set the permissions for ports just in case.
But it didn't change anything, I unplugged the audiomoth, plug in again, ran again the flash app but still receive the same error message as in my first message.
If I run the conf app I have this (screenshot):
Hi, Have you updated the UDEV rules as described at the bottom of the page here for Linux - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/applications. This needs both USB and TTY rules - you might have only had the USB one in the past if you haven't used the Flash App before. What version are you updating from? Did the Flash App recognise the AudioMoth before you started - it should tell you the firmware type and the version number. Alex