HydroMoth: Testing a prototype low-cost acoustic recorder for aquatic environments
Timothy A. C. Lamont, Lucille Chapuis, Ben Williams,Sasha Dines, Tess Gridley, Guilherme Frainer, Jack Fearey, Permas B. Maulana, Mochyudho E. Prasetya, Jamaluddin Jompa, David J. Smith, Stephen D. Simpson
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
DOI: 10.1002/rse2.249
AudioMoth: A low-cost acoustic device for monitoring biodiversity and the environment
Andrew P. Hill, Peter Prince, Jake L. Snaddon, C. Patrick Doncaster, and Alex Rogers
Leveraging conservation action with open‐source hardware
Andrew P. Hill, Alasdair Davies, Peter Prince, Jake L. Snaddon, C. Patrick Doncaster, and Alex Rogers
Conservation Letters
DOI: 10.1111/conl.12661
Peter Prince, Andrew P. Hill, Evelyn Piña Covarrubias, C. Patrick Doncaster, Jake L. Snaddon, and Alex Rogers
Sensors (Remote Sensing of Earth Observation: Special Focus on Natural Resources and the Environment)
DOI: 10.3390/s19030553
Andrew P. Hill, Peter Prince, Evelyn Piña Covarrubias, C. Patrick Doncaster, Jake L. Snaddon, and
Alex Rogers
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Evelyn Piña‐Covarrubias, Andrew P. Hill, Peter Prince, Jake L. Snaddon, Alex Rogers, and
C. Patrick Doncaster
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
DOI: 10.1002/rse2.97
This paper's accompanying video is available here.