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Forum Posts

Apr 02, 2024
In SD Card Support
Hello, I have an issue during the recording session with the AudioMoths.  I set up a first AudioMoth (AM 3) on 19th March at 2pm. I scheduled a recording session on a 10min cycle with 4min of recording and 6min sleep for a frequency sampling of 250kHz. (see CONFIG_session1)  I did a LED check up 9 days later and I saw the green and red LEDs  blinking simultaneously, so I removed the sensor and checked the SD card. I get recording files from 19th March at 2pm to 25th March 18:10. I have an empty file at 18:20 that I can't open because it is invalid or corrupted, no more recording after that. The metadata for 25th March at 18:10 indicates that the battery was 4.6V and temperature was 12.1C. (see outcome_session1) I checked the voltage in the Config App and with the multimeter to confirm it. The battery was full, so I suspected an SD card problem.  I ran a second recording session with the same configuration after reformatting the SD card for the same sensor. (AM 3, see CONFIG_session2) I started the second session on the 31rst March at 12:10. I added a second one AM above the previous one (AM 15) to explore the repeatability. It uses the same configuration, SD card type (also reformatted before use) and battery. I did a LED check up today and I have the same LED error on my first sensor (AM 3). I checked the SD, I have two recording files for 31rst March at 12:10 and 12:20. The 12:30 file is empty and unreadable for the same reason as before. The metadata for the 12:10 and 12:20 display that the battery was 4.6V and temperature was 21°C at 12:10 then 19.6°C. (see outcome_session2) The second AudioMoth (AM 15) works fine. I checked its metadata for the same recording as the AM 3. The battery level is the same with some differences in temperature: 21.5°C at 12:10, 18.5°C at 12:20 and 20.4°C at 12:30. For your information, we use CZVV Rechargeable Li-ion Battery 2333mAh and a Samsung 512GB EvoSelect microSDXC I U3 A2 V30. We don't know if the storage memory is a factor in our problem, or if it is related to temperature/battery voltage variations, for example. We would appreciate your help in finding the root cause of our recording error. Sincerely, Camilia


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