Hello, on the https://www.openacousticdevices.info/sd-card-guide SD card guide you provided it gives the mA of multiple different SD cards. I am trying to record for an extended period of time and trying to do the math on when I need to replace SD cards and batteries. Is the battery consumption from large SD cards daily or in total, and how negligible is it?
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Hi Wulfgar, The Config App will tell you the estimated daily energy consumption of the configuration that you have set.
This is calculated assuming a SanDisk Extreme 32GB card. If you use a different card you can just scale the energy consumption by the ratio of the average current shown in the table at the appropriate sample rate and that will give you a good estimate for the other card. For example, the schedule above shows 95mAh per day with a SanDisk Extreme 32GB card. If I use a Samsung Evo Plus 64GB card, I'd expect the daily energy consumption to be about 95 x 22.2 / 12.3 = 172mAh. Alex