I have two hydromoths and both are experiencing similar problems when deployed. The initial recordings are fine for around 5 days (producing files of the expected length) and then the recording schedule seems to be disrupted, producing errorneous files not following the configured recording schedule.
The file outputs and my config files are pasted below. I was using duracell plus AA batteries and samsung evo 256GB micro SD cards.
For future deployments, I'd like continuous recordings (ideally 1 h files, 24 hours a day) at 96kHz. This was initially happening in the second deployment, but then something seems to have gone wrong in the 20230911_160120 file onwards. The start file time is correct, but each file is only a couple of minutes long.
What could be causing this issue? Is this an error with the devices or the config files?
Thanks in advance!
Deployment 1 (switched to default not custom so did not get 1h files):

Device ID : 242A260463FB81B1
Firmware : AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic (1.8.1)
Time zone : UTC
Sample rate (Hz) : 96000
Gain : Low-Medium
Sleep duration (s) : 5
Recording duration (s) : 3600
Active recording periods : 1
Recording period 1 : 00:00 - 24:00 (UTC)
Earliest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Latest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Filter : -
Trigger type : -
Threshold setting : -
Minimum trigger duration (s) : -
Enable LED : Yes
Enable low-voltage cut-off : Yes
Enable battery level indication : Yes
Always require acoustic chime : No
Use daily folder for WAV files : No
Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : No
Enable energy saver mode : No
Enable low gain range : No
Enable magnetic switch : No
Enable GPS time setting : No
Deployment 2:

Device ID : 245AAA0563FB735B
Firmware : AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic (1.8.1)
Time zone : UTC
Sample rate (Hz) : 96000
Gain : Low-Medium
Sleep duration (s) : 5
Recording duration (s) : 3600
Active recording periods : 1
Recording period 1 : 00:00 - 24:00 (UTC)
Earliest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Latest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Filter : -
Trigger type : -
Threshold setting : -
Minimum trigger duration (s) : -
Enable LED : Yes
Enable low-voltage cut-off : Yes
Enable battery level indication : Yes
Always require acoustic chime : No
Use daily folder for WAV files : No
Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : No
Enable energy saver mode : No
Enable low gain range : No
Enable magnetic switch : No
Enable GPS time setting : No
Thank you very much for this - it is really helpful.
I think we will proceed with a duty cycle.
All the best,
Hi Laura,
Normally, files that are smaller than requested are due to the battery voltage being low during the recording. If you open a short file in the AudioMoth Filter Playground (https://playground.openacousticdevices.info) and click on 'Show file information' it will show you the WAV header comment information. This will probably report that the recording stopped early due to a low battery voltage. The expected energy consumption is given in the Config App:
The five day recording period that you observed is quite short. However, the value in the Config App is calculated for 32GB SanDisk Extreme cards. Different cards have different energy consumption so it may be that the Samsung EVO 256GB uses significantly more energy. If you can confirm the exact model, I can double check the actual energy consumption of the card.
For the next deployment, if you use a recording period of 3595 seconds and a sleep duration of 5 seconds, then you will get recordings that start on each hour.
For continuous recordings at high sample rates, Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries will give you the best energy capacity - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/batteries - as they maintain voltage for much longer and have a greater overall capacity. Alex