Hello, i am new to audiorecording and got my audiomoth yesterday :) i want to record soundscape in the forest. (mainly mammals and birds, because bats arent day active so i can not photograph them :( but i hat one on my trailcam which i liked to see :) )
i want to use the trigger function, for longer lifetime of battery/sd card
-shedule 24h per day
-sleep off
-trigger type amplitude
-min trigger duration 30s
-trigger set to 5%
for testing i placed it on my balcony. but i got continuous recordings :/
first i tried to get the right trigger percentage....but maybe it is easyier to handle another unit as percentage ?
but then i ended up with 70% and got NO recordings :D
with first spektogram analysis i think the main problem here is the water pump of neighbours pond.
it seems to be between 200 und 800Hz
if a bird calls i got amplitudes with peaks to 10% (shown in audacity....i have currently no idea how to scale this right....there are some units ;) ) so i think i have to trogger by 2-5% in forest ?
actual i set the filter from 800Hz upwards...so the pump noise should be gone....this didnt work :/ but maybe there are sounds which are triggering that i dont see in the spektrum....
or is 5% trigger in the noise area of the audiomoth ? so it will always trigger ?
conclusion: 1) which trigger unit is easiest to handle for me ? afaik i cannot monitor sorrounding sounds with audiomoth and check how far it pushes the amplitude :( and in the records i am asked too much how to read it right with the units :)
2) which trigger setup is common for forest application (mammals/birds)
3) is it posssible to get 1hour files with my config, if trigger fails and i get continouos recording. will the sleep/record option work with triggering ?
sorry for my bad english and the beginner questions :)
Device ID : abc123 :)
Firmware : AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic (1.9.3)
Time zone : UTC+2
Sample rate (Hz) : 48000
Gain : Medium
Sleep duration (s) : -
Recording duration (s) : -
Active recording periods : 1
Recording period 1 : 00:00 - 00:00 (UTC+2)
First recording date : ----------
Last recording date : ----------
Filter : Band-pass (0.8kHz - 24.0kHz)
Trigger type : Amplitude
Threshold setting : 5%
Minimum trigger duration (s) : 30
Enable LED : No
Enable low-voltage cut-off : Yes
Enable battery level indication : No
Always require acoustic chime : No
Use daily folder for WAV files : Yes
Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : No
Enable energy saver mode : No
Enable low gain range : No
Enable magnetic switch : No
Enable GPS time setting : No
Hi Thomas, The best way to set up the trigger is to take the continous recordings that you have and load them in the AudioMoth Play - https://play.openacousticdevices.info.
You can then experiment with the settings that you will need. The examples below show a bat trigger using an amplitude and a frequency trigger.
This tool will show you how the trigger will respond. You can change filter settings and thresholds in real time to see the effect that they have.
If there is a lot of background noise, then you probably need to use a frequency trigger and set the centre frequency to the frequency of the call that you are trying to detect.
You'll find more discussion and som examples in the application note here - https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Application-Notes/blob/master/Using_AudioMoth_with_Filtered_and_Triggered_Recordings/Using_AudioMoth_with_Filtering_and_Triggered_Recordings.pdf.
If you post a WAV file here, then I can also experiment with the settings.