I am new to AudioMoth usage. I’m trying to set an AM to record bat sounds nightly on a 3 hour or so nightly schedule. I have the High filter set ay 30 kHz and I only want to record and save files that actually have bat sounds to the 64GB microSD card. The AM device will be left in the field for about one month. Therefore I need to limit the recorded files to about 2GB per night. I seem to be getting a lot of files with no bat calls. Can someone help me with setting the sleep record times and an initial amplitude frequency setting to start with? Thanks much for the help.
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To see this working, head to your live site.
Need guidance on setting an AM
Need guidance on setting an AM
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There is an application note here - https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Application-Notes/blob/master/Using_AudioMoth_with_Filtered_and_Triggered_Recordings/Using_AudioMoth_with_Filtering_and_Triggered_Recordings.pdf - that contains more details.
The amplitude threshold settings below will typically work well with bats as they are generally very loud. The high pass filter removes a bit of the background sounds and makes the calls amplitude standout a bit more clearly.
You can also try a frequency filter. These settings will work pretty reliably for UK bats in the range of 24 - 72 kHz (and probably a wider).
The resulting T.WAV files will only include the triggered recordings. This makes it easy to look at the file size to determine the content of the files. You can then expand the files to the full length, inserting the empty periods, with the 'Expand AudioMoth T.WAV Files' option in the Config App.
If you have existing recordings, you can experiment with the settings in the AudioMoth Filter Playground - https://playground.openacousticdevices.info/. This allows you to adjust the settings and see their effect immediately.