I have a 1.1.0 unit that I have used for a few years and all of a sudden it doesn't record at the correct time. I have checked and double checked that the time is updated and local time selected but the device keeps recording 1 hour later than it is programmed to do. It's possible it has suffered some water damage (see image) though I don't understand how physical damage could influence the unit like this...either way any ideas much appreciated! See log file below if useful - it appears to me it is receiving the instructions OK from the configuration app. This was set at 16:30 and recorded OK, but not when set to record 16:25-16:35.
Device ID : 240435055C7A144A
Firmware : AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic (1.6.0)
Time zone : UTC+1
Sample rate (Hz) : 384000
Gain : Medium-High
Sleep duration (s) : 10
Recording duration (s) : 10
Active recording periods : 1
Recording period 1 : 15:25 - 15:35 (UTC)
Earliest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Latest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Filter : -
Amplitude threshold : -
Minimum trigger duration (s) : -
Enable LED : Yes
Enable low-voltage cut-off : Yes
Enable battery level indication : Yes
Always require acoustic chime : No
Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : No
Enable energy saver mode : No

Hi Simon, I don't think this has changed between versions but the intended functionality is that the recording period time is set according to the current time zone setting when you press the 'Add recording period' button. Subsequent changes to the time zone setting will update the displayed time according to the time zone, but not that actual time that the recording will take place. This is to allow you to check that the recording periods are correct in both local and UTC time zones before deploying. We'll try to explain this more clearly in the manual. Alex
Hi Alex, I just thought I'd let you know I figured out what I think happened. Quite simple really - I had set a recording period desired and then selected 'local time' which resulted in the time period being shifted 1 hour. I don't think this was an issue with earlier config apps as I'd expect I would have done this at some point before without thinking about it and had the issue sooner (this is 1.5.0 and it does the same with 1.5.1). Maybe something to change in the next config app version?
Thanks Alex, I'm sure it was playing up but does appear to be fine now. Either that or I'm losing the plot a bit which is quite possible also! enjoy the rest of your weekend. Simon
Hi Simon, I think it's fine. The CONFIG.TXT record will always reports the recording schedule according to UTC, regardless of whether a local timezone is specified above, as internally the AudioMoth runs a 24-hour cycle synchronised with UTC. This example will record from 12:55 - 13:05 (UTC). Since a +1 local time zone is specified, the filenames and the file timestamps will be in UTC+1 or BST and the recordings will actually take place from 13:55 to 14:05 (UTC+1 or BST). Alex
Hello Alex, thanks for your reply. It appears to be exactly 1hr out....or at least was. I re-flashed the firmware before the above test just in case and I have reset the time a few times recently as I have been trying out some new batteries. However I am now doubly confused as I put it out last night & it appears to have recorded correctly and a test just now worked correctly. At 14:00 I set it to record between 13:55 & 14:05 and it did so, but the config file says the time was 1 hour before what was in the config app (see below) - I have not noticed a difference in the time in the config file and what is entered in the app before. I'm not great with keeping track of lots of numbers in my head, so I may have mixed something up, however I have not noticed any differences before in what I have set, what has recorded and what the config file says. If it now records at the time I want it to, then that's fine, regardless of what the config says, but if it keeps changing then that will of course be of no use!! Does it look like the device is working properly and I'm getting in a muddle or does it look like something is not right to you?!
many thanks
Device ID : 240435055C7A144A
Firmware : AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic (1.6.0)
Time zone : UTC+1
Sample rate (Hz) : 48000
Gain : Medium
Sleep duration (s) : 5
Recording duration (s) : 55
Active recording periods : 1
Recording period 1 : 12:55 - 13:05 (UTC)
Earliest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Latest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Filter : -
Amplitude threshold : -
Minimum trigger duration (s) : -
Enable LED : Yes
Enable low-voltage cut-off : Yes
Enable battery level indication : Yes
Always require acoustic chime : No
Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : No
Enable energy saver mode : No
Hi, Is it exactly one hour or roughly an hour? I’m assuming the time stamps on the files are the times you requested and not the actual time the recording was made? It sounds like the clock is running slow - leave the AudioMoth plugged into USB, set the time, and check the error against your computer clock after an hour. If you have updated the firmware from a very early version make sure you have powered down the device completely without batteries. Alex