Dear all,
I wonder if it is possible to connect several AudioMoth USB microphones to one computer and record simultaneously, with high sample rate and in sync. My goal is to use 2-4 microphones to get the direction of one or more audio sources in real time in the field. Therefore, the GPS synced version with normal AudioMoths is not my preferred variant.
From what I read so far, it is possible to connect more than one USB microphone of the same type to a computer. Not straight forward but possible. However, before going down that route I would like to know if syncing would work and be precise enough.
Any recommendations, hints or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Hi, You can connect multiple AudioMoth USB microphones to the same computer and they will all appear as separate microphones so that you can record from any of them or all of them depending on the recording software used. However, the USB frame rate is 1kHz so synchronisation of the resulting recordings is likely to be no better than 1ms. This won't be good enough for the beam-forming application that you describe. Recording with multiple GPS sync'd AudioMoth using the AudioMoth-GPS-Sync firmware will give you synchronisation to better than 1us which is good enough for localisation and beam forming applications but not in real-time. Alex