Hi! I'm using Audiomoths to record bats at a sample rate of 384kh. I configured it to record from 7pm to 7am and to produce 5 minutes files with no resting periods. I intend it to record for three consecutive nights. used this configuration before and it all went okay
But I just recently used it and it has given me some problems. The first night is recording well, but the second and third night doesnt generate all the files. The second night lacks some files at the end of the recording period and the third night only generates like 6-7 files of five minutes.
Any idea about what could be the problem??
Thanks, I thought it could be the batteries! But once I used similar batteries and I didn't have this problem. I'll just buy some new ones!
Yes, it sounds like the batteries are being depleted and drop below the minimum threshold so the recording does not start. Are some of the final recordings shorter than expected? If you have the latest firmware (1.2.1) the recordings will also be aborted if the battery drops too low during the recording.
You can check the header comments fields of the recordings to see the battery level of the recording when it started. On a mac you can see this information in the 'Get Info' window.
In Audacity use you can view it from the 'Open Metadata Editor' option.
Or just open the file in a text editor.
It takes some time for the file to be opened and closed at the start and end of each recording, so even though you specify no gap, the next recording is actually starting a couple of seconds later. You might find the last recording is shorter for this reason.
We normally recording for 295 seconds and sleep for 5 seconds in this setting so that the recordings all actually start on the round 5 minute and are the same length.
Hi, I had a similar problem when the batteries were below 3.7 V. I changed the batteries and bought some quality ones and for now it works perfectly again.