Hi, just out of curiosity: what is the benefit of setting “Always require acoustic chime on switching to CUSTOM”? When do you use it? (I have had no problem using it, just wondering.) - Rita
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Hi Rita, For most users there isn't too much reason to enforce the use of the acoustic chime. It does ensure that the time is always up to date on each deployment, and makes the deployment instruction more regular for new users, but these aren't particularly strong reasons to use it. However, as well as setting the time, the acoustic chime can also set a deployment ID which then appears in the WAV file header. The Rainforest Connection Companion App uses this functionality to set a unique deployment ID on each AudioMoth that is deployed. The unique deployment ID allows the location and timing of the deployment to be recorded in their database, and then individual WAV files can be linked back to this deployment when they are uploaded to their system.