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Oct 23, 2022
In Configuration Support
Hello, I was given some AudioMoth files and have a question regarding the time zones. According to the CONFIG file, the time zone of the recordings was UTC, the recording duration 30 min, the recording period 08:30-21:00 UTC, and the firmware version 1.6. The files are also named in this convention, starting with for example ‘20220608_083000.WAV’. All would be fine, but the ‘date modified’ of this example file states that it was modified at ‘2022-06-08 11:59:58 UTC’, which seems to suggest that it was actually recorded at 08:30 local time (which is UTC-3 here) instead of UTC time. So now I’m not sure whether the recordings started at 08:30 UTC or 08:30 UTC-3. Is there any way to figure this out still? Help would be much appreciated! Kind regards, Yannick
Dec 12, 2019
In Configuration Support
Hello, for the purpose of my study I need to have the AudioMoths start at a specific date a couple of days after I place them. I understand that this will be implemented in a future update, but unfortunately I do not have the time to wait for that one. I'm therefore trying to hardcode the starting date into the firmware. I'm currently trying to make it so that when the default switch is triggered it will wait for the set date and then start recording. However, it just starts recording normally. I suspect it has something to do with the configured start date of the recorder (1970) but I'm not sure. If someone would point out where my code is going wrong I would greatly appreciate it! PS: when I try to flash the firmware it always crashes once, then I have to restart it in boot mode, after which it does work. Is there a fix for this? Here is my piece of code: if (switchPosition != *previousSwitchPosition) { if (switchPosition == AM_SWITCH_DEFAULT) { time_t current_time; struct tm * timeinfo; /* These are the values of my planned recording time */ int target_year = 2019, target_month = 12, target_day = 12; int target_hour = 14, target_minute = 50, target_second = 0; /* Get the current time */ time ( &current_time ); timeinfo = localtime(&current_time); timeinfo->tm_year = target_year; timeinfo->tm_mon = target_month; timeinfo->tm_mday = target_day; timeinfo->tm_hour = target_hour; timeinfo->tm_min = target_minute; timeinfo->tm_sec = target_second; /*This converts it to something that difftime can work with */ time_t scheduled_time = mktime ( timeinfo ); *timeOfNextRecording = current_time + difftime(scheduled_time, current_time ); *durationOfNextRecording = 60; } else { /* Determine starting time and duration of next recording */ scheduleRecording(currentTime, timeOfNextRecording, durationOfNextRecording); } } Kind regards, Yannick
Nov 14, 2019
In Configuration Support
Hi there, could someone please point out where I’m going wrong? I’m trying to edit the default settings of the firmware but I’m rather new to all of this stuff. I have tried editing the variables in the main.c file from AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic, then replacing the main.c file of AudioMoth-Project with it, and then building this entire project using the Simplicity IDE. Then I use the .bin file located within the ‘GNU ARM v4.9.3 Release’ directory to flash the firmware of the device. This however results in the device being bricked and requires me to reinstall the regular firmware. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!


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