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Forum Posts

Xavier Puig-Montserrat
Oct 04, 2019
In Device Support
Hi, for quite a while now we've been successfully using 5v io-li batteries with the first version of the AM. When we try them with the newer devices (from round 6) they don't even turn on (no led flashes at all). Is this change due to a hardware modification or is it has to do with the firmware, and it's therefore amendable without adding or changing any hardware? Many thanks!
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
May 27, 2019
In Device Support
Hi, I'm unsuccessfully trying to change the default setting so that they record at 256kHz instead of 48kHz. I've tried modifying the "main.c", under the header /* USB configuration data structure */ I have changed the following line, trying different values (1, for 384kHz sampling rate; and 1.5 for 256kHz sampling rate): .sampleRateDivider = 8, But as a result the devices do not record at all when the switch is in "DEFAULT" position. Instead the green led flashes every two seconds. Any indications on how to achieve this change in the default settings will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks,
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
Sep 24, 2018
In Configuration Support
Dear friends, We are planning some samplings this autumn that will involve sampling across the daylight saving period (28th of November at 2:00 am this particular year), and when testing the performance of the timer on that particular period (by modifying time and date on a Windows 7 machine), we've found that before the GTM official change the devices work fine and record within the selected period, but once the official time change has taken place (moved from GMT+2 to GMt+1), the recording start one hour before due time. The issue seems to be consistent across devices. Any idea of what could be happening? Many thanks!
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
Sep 21, 2018
In Device Support
Dear friends, We have used a number of devices (26) in a field experiment, and after tagging all resulting files automatically with a code routine, I've realised that the file headers of all them contain the same AudioMoth ID, which does not correspond to any of the devices we have. I attach a screenshot of the header of a random file as shown in Audacity. No matter which software/recording I use to read them the ID in the message is always the same (whereas the rest of the details, such as date, gain or battery seem to be consistent): The device ID we keep getting in all files is: 0FE081F80FE081F0 Any idea of why we don't get the real ID of the devices in the header? It would be a very convenient feature to help us tag every recording with a unique code. Many thanks!
WAV headers with non-recognisable AudioMoth ID content media
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
May 22, 2018
In Configuration Support
Hi, I'm trying to load a new firmware version. I'm following the steps from the tutorial (, and when I reach step 5 (Enable Programming mode​), after the LEDs stop flashing, a Windows pop-up letting me know a new device has been plugged appears, but it fails to install any drivers for the device, and I cannot continue de process (no new COM ports appear). I use Windows 7 Pro. I've googled for drivers but been unable to find any. Is there any drive/program or procedure that should be run/installed before attempting to flash? Many thanks in advance,
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
May 08, 2018
In Configuration Support
Hi, first of all congratulations to the development team, you've done a tremendous job! I was wondering whether it would be possible for the devices to record on alternate days (or once every given number of days). Is there any perspective for such feature to be included in the firmware? If not, would it be possible to customise the C code to do so? Many thanks!

Xavier Puig-Montserrat

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