OK, so having put this down in writing, I played around with the configuration and noticed that when I increase the sample rate, the frequency range that I can filter on, increases. Apologies if this was evident to other users, but it certainly wasn't to me ... and my physics degree was a long time ago. Doh! So that kinda answers my question on how I could use the AudioMoth to record Bat sounds.
On the SD Card page of the 'Getting Started' section, I read this:
From AudioMoth firmware version 1.2.2 onwards both FAT32 and exFAT file formats are fully supported. However, if you are using an earlier version of the AudioMoth firmware ensure that your SD card is reformatted as a MS-DOS (FAT32) card prior to use, or reflash you AudioMoth to use the newer firmware (see instructions here).
As I have a new Audiomoth and Firmware version 1.5.0, I guess that my device can support cards formatted with exFAT and I presume also that this means that the 32GB card limit is also removed as I'm using a 64Gb card and at least managed to get some recordings generated.
Re-configuring and putting the device out in the garden for another spin.