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Forum Posts
May 25, 2022
In Device Support
Hi! With an analysis of bat recordings using Kaleidoscope Pro, one particular species seems to show low frequency calls. I get a lot of social calls from the Nyctalus noctula (the research was conducted in the Netherlands), but the lowest band seems to be rather low for bat species (around 8-9kHz where they should be +- 15kHz). Do any of you have an explanation for this? I have attached a few examples of the NYCNOC calls, they are one of the more common species, so I get a lot of similar calls. I figured it might be other sounds (like birds) parallel to the bat call that cause the low band, but as you can see in the images of the spectrogram and considering the fact that the same thing is happening in tens or hundreds of calls, I'd say that is unlikely. Cheers! Koen
May 02, 2022
In Device Support
I am doing an analysis of bat recordings using Kaleidoscope Pro. In order to establish a reliable relative abundance, I should integrate a minimum time in between each identification before I can view that pulse or call as a new call. I wonder whether Kaleidoscope's bat identification already integrates such a parameter into the analysis? I have tried to look it up, but the explanation of how the identification is carried out exactly does not seem to go much further than 'many parameters are included'. Thanks a lot! Koen
Mar 24, 2022
In Device Support
Hi, I am doing fieldwork with a few AudioMoths but unfortunately there is an issue with my recordings. It seems that after a few minutes or sometimes even after one minute the recording stops and the files show that the time switched to 1 January 1980. I have just changed the batteries, I get four flashes so that shouldn’t be the issue. The sd cards are empty so that can’t be it either. Any ideas?
Thanks! Koen
Mar 10, 2022
In Device Support
Hi, I will be monitoring bats with AudioMoths, and in order to determine the range the device can detect wildlife I want to perform an active test in all directions from the device with a speaker (5m, 10m, 15. etc...). I only have a regular speaker, which is unable to produce sounds at frequencies bats generally produce calls. I was wondering if you have any advice how to, considering this limitation, still perform as reliable a test as possible? How much decibels should the speaker produce? On what frequency (up to +- 16kHz) should I play tones? Thanks in advance! Koen
Feb 21, 2022
In Configuration Support
I am trying out some different settings with the AudioMoth configuration app to see the most suitable setup for recording bat species. After the device is configurated, I play sounds running from 1-100kHz over a speaker to test whether the device picks it up. Afterwards, I uploaded the WAV files to ARBIMON, to visualize the high frequency sounds.
I have attached my configuration and the spectrogram, as you can see, tones up until +- 16kHz are depicted, but tones with higher frequencies are not.
Do you have any ideas on what is going wrong? Does it have something to do with my configuration, or maybe it has something to do with the tones I am playing? Or my speaker?
I do not have any experience with this type of research, so any additional advice or comments are more than welcome!
Thanks in advance!
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