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Forum Posts

James Lara
Jul 05, 2021
In Device Support
I am sing the AudioMoths for a research project and I need to put them out for a few days on a sleep record cycle of 55 seconds record and 5 seconds sleep. I bought Duracell Extra Life batteries. Based on your experience, how long have batteries lasted you?
James Lara
Jun 24, 2021
In Configuration Support
Hello. I am new to using Audiomoths and wanted a clarification. As someone who is in PDT, I am confusing myself over the time. I am trying to set my audiomoths to a schedule to record dawn and dusk. In my location, dawn is 5am PDT and dusk is 9:30pm PDT. Would I need to schedule in the config app, 12pm UTC for dawn and 4:30am UTC for dusk? Thanks!
James Lara
Jun 11, 2021
In Device Support
Hello! I have just recently purchased a few AudioMoths for a research project I am doing as an undergraduate wildlife student. My project is focusing on frogs, birds, and bats. I saw in the publications that sampling for birds and frogs should be at 48kHz and bats are around 384 kHz. Is it possible to have an AudioMoth recording multiple frequencies like this at once or a way I can arrange the setting to get the data I need? I am not very techy and am learning my way around the device. Thank you!

James Lara

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