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Forum Posts

Sep 11, 2023
In Device Support
I know this has been discussed before. I recorded over several nights at 192 kHz in supplied case attached to tree branch - particularly interested in bats. On nearly all recording have a rapid on/off pulsing noise at 53 kHz. On previous discussion it was concluded this was to do with writing to SD card (SanDisk ultra). Then I repeated with same card in a different location on a tripod in an open position without the case - same batteries, no further charging. This time I get a completely clean recording - not a hint of any noise. I have obtained new cards anyway, but puzzled as to why I had noise on the first occasion and not the second. Automatic algorithms mistake the noise for soprano pupistrelle (albeit low probability) Many thanks Jim
Sep 05, 2023
In Configuration Support
I keep getting this error: '<filename> - Could not find ICMT chunk ID. ' When trying to downsample audiomoth file. Config app 1.9.1 running on windows 10 working with files acquired last year (July). I have managed to downsample the original file, but I want to apply high pass filter first - I do this in Adobe Audition without changing file name and then I get this error. But sometimes I have had same error even with the original file. Any ideas please?
Aug 13, 2022
In Device Support
Is the frequency response of the Audiomoth mic published somewhere? Thank you Jim
Jul 24, 2022
In Configuration Support
Sorry for so many questions … just getting to grips with using AM for the first time … what happens if you turn on the AM during a scheduled recording period ? Does it start recording straight away, or does it wait until the next scheduled period? eg I set a recording period from 22:00-22:30 and then 23:00-23:30 - I turn it on (ie switch to custom) at 22:10 - will it record from 22:10-22:30, or wait until 23:00. ( in this example without any sleep cycle) if I do have a sleep cycle set then will this change how this behaves. thank you Jim
Jul 24, 2022
In Configuration Support
I get a repetitive rapid ticking noise in a well-defined band between 52-56 kHz. It comes and goes but mostly it continues for long periods (over 30 mins). Sample rate 250000 - recording just outside my house from sunset through the night. Any ideas what this might be?
Jul 24, 2022
In Configuration Support
Is it possible to resample a recording (as opposed to downsampling). If for instance I record at a rate of 250000 thinking there may be some high frequency bats, but in fact there are none, but there are some bird calls of interest. Then to save space and to listen to the recordings at correct pitch I would like to convert file to 48000 (just as if I had recorded at that rate in the first place). My go-to software for listening / processing audio is Adobe Audition and that does not support playing files with sample rates above 192000 - so I can't just listen to these high sample files with that. Well I am sure it must be possible, but I am not sure what software to use. I have Adobe Audition, but that will covert to a lower rate by stretching out the file. And the AM tool reduces pitch.
Jul 22, 2022
In Configuration Support
Is there any difference between applying a filter on the AM during recording and applying the same later in a DAW? I am interested in bird nocturnal flight calls and bats, so it would seem better to record across and frequencies and filter later depending on what is being examined?
Jul 21, 2022
In Configuration Support
Hi, I am new to Audiomoth. I recorded continuously for several hours. I want to split them into 1 hour long files. I have tried to tool in the configuration app, but when I select 1 hr, it splits into 10 minute files instead. Using the latest version - 1.8.0 running on Windows 10 PC. I copied files from SD card onto an external hard drive before doing the split - not sure if that is relevant? Not sure if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong? Advice please - many thanks Jim


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