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Forum Posts
Dave Williams
Mar 07, 2021
In Configuration Support
I have an Audiomoth 1.2.0 with 1.5.0 firmware and external microphone but I cannot get it to program from the Configuration App any more. It was working in default mode until it stopped recording after about 1hr with no LED's flashing. Batteries were not flat. Now the best I can get is the following sequence of LED flashes. Green pulses until record start time. Red pulse then pulses as if it's recording. Long red pulse. Green an Red pulse together for 26 flashes. Short Red pulse Long Red pulse plus long green pulse then back to green and red for 26 flashes. An empty wav file is created. I've tried reformatting SD card to exFat and FAT32 but this hasn't helped. I assume the card is OK as it worked in default mode. Also tried re-flashing the 1.5.0 firmware with no joy. Any suggestions?
Dave Williams
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