Thanks Alex, sorry for not being clear. We deployed 40 audiomoths in 2019 near Tahiti. We used the Config App to set the configuration for all of the moths. About 20 were set with my computer that is on Pacific time (UTC -8) and the other half were set with a computer that was on Tahitian time (UTC-10). They were all set using the same configuration which specified local time. The time in the .wav header comment is NOT correct for the ones that were set on my computer. For the moths that I set with my computer, which again is not on the correct local time (it is 2 hours ahead), the .wav header comment has the correct UTC (-8) but also the correct local time. I can hear myself talking on the first recording while deploying the moth at say 8am local time. The comment in the .wav file says 8:00 UTC -8, but that would be 6am local time and I know that file was not recorded at 6am local time. It should say 10:00 UTC -8. To be clear the moths that we set up using another computer that was on UTC -10 all have the correct times. We did not use the Time App or the smart phone Chime App at the time with the moths. I don't believe there is a config.txt file for the software we were using at the time (if there was, I don't have it in our saved files).