Hi Alex,
Thank you so much for swift and helpful response!
The only Wav files written were:
19700101_010003.WAV (4.29 GB)
19700101_132541.WAV (1.93 GB)
19700101_132542.WAV (4.29 GB)
I used the AudioMoth Filter Playground for the 1.93GB as you suggested and it says:
AudioMoth 247475035FDF1F95
Recorded at 13:25:42 01/01/1970 (UTC+1) by AudioMoth
247475035FDF1F95 at low gain while battery was 4.1V and temperature was 25.2C. Recording stopped due to switch position change.
I used a SanDisk Ultra 64GB with ExFat.
If I set the recording period to 00:00 - 24:00 and use CUSTOM, I assume Audiomoth starts at midnight and not immediately?
Would you recommend using a recording time (e.g. 1795s) or would it be OK to disable this function? I was just afraid that Audiomoth might have difficulties with handling a 10-12 GB WAV file
Once again, thank you so much!